Monday, July 2, 2007

FAQs on WinRunner

Q: How to use WinRunne to check whether the record was updated or the record was delelte or the record was inserted or not?
Using WinRunner check point features: Create->dDB checkpoint->Runtime Record check
Q: How to use WinRunner to test the login screen
A: When you enter wrong id or password, you will get Dialog box.
1. Record this Dialog box
2. User win_exists to check whether dialog box exists or not
3. Playback: Enter wrong id or password, if win_exists is
true, then your application is working good.
Enter good id or password, if win_exists is false,
then your application is working perfectly.

Q: After clicking on "login" button, they opens other windows of the web application, how to check that page is opened or not
When your expecting "Window1" to come up after clicking on Login...
Capture the window in the GUI Map. No two windows in an web based
application can have the same html_name property. Hence, this would
be the property to check.

First try a simple win_exists("window1", ) in an IF condition.

If that does'nt work, try the function,

win_exists("{ class: window, MSW_class: html_frame, html_name: "window1"}",); :

Winrunner testscript for checking all the links at a time
location = 0;

while(obj_exists((link = "{class: object,MSW_class: html_text_link,location: "
& location & "}"))== E_OK)
tl_step("Check web link",PASS,"Web link \"" & name & "\" is valid.");
tl_step("Check web link",FAIL,"Web link \"" & name & "\" is not valid.");

Q: How to get the resolution settings
Use get_screen_res(x,y) to get the screen resolution in WR7.5.
Use get_resolution (Vert_Pix_int, Horz_Pix_int, Frequency_int) in WR7.01

Q: WITHOUT the GUI map, use the phy desc directly....
It's easy, just take the description straight out of the GUI map squigglies and
all, put it into a variable (or pass it as a string)
and use that in place of the object name.

button_press ( "btn_OK" );
button_press ( "{class: push_button, label: OK}" );

Q: What are the three modes of running the scripts?
WinRunner provides three modes in which to run tests: Verify, Debug, and Update. You use each mode during a different phase of the testing process.
Use the Verify mode to check your application.
Use the Debug mode to help you identify bugs in a test script.
Use the Update mode to update the expected results of a test or to create a new expected results folder.

Q: How do you handle unexpected events and errors?
WinRunner uses exception handling to detect an unexpected event when it occurs and act to recover the test run.
WinRunner enables you to handle the following types of exceptions:
Pop-up exceptions: Instruct WinRunner to detect and handle the appearance of a specific window.
TSL exceptions: Instruct WinRunner to detect and handle TSL functions that return a specific error code.
Object exceptions: Instruct WinRunner to detect and handle a change in a property for a specific GUI object.
Web exceptions: When the WebTest add-in is loaded, you can instruct WinRunner to handle unexpected events and errors that occur in your Web site during a test run.

Q: How do you handle pop-up exceptions?
A pop-up exception Handler handles the pop-up messages that come up during the execution of the script in the AUT. TO handle this type of exception we make WinRunner learn the window and also specify a handler to the exception. It could be
Default actions: WinRunner clicks the OK or Cancel button in the pop-up window, or presses Enter on the keyboard. To select a default handler, click the appropriate button in the dialog box.
User-defined handler: If you prefer, specify the name of your own handler. Click User Defined Function Name and type in a name in the User Defined Function Name box.

Q: How do you handle TSL exceptions?
Suppose you are running a batch test on an unstable version of your application. If your application crashes, you want WinRunner to recover test execution. A TSL exception can instruct WinRunner to recover test execution by exiting the current test, restarting the application, and continuing with the next test in the batch.
The handler function is responsible for recovering test execution. When WinRunner detects a specific error code, it calls the handler function. You implement this function to respond to the unexpected error in the way that meets your specific testing needs.
Once you have defined the exception, WinRunner activates handling and adds the exception to the list of default TSL exceptions in the Exceptions dialog box. Default TSL exceptions are defined by the XR_EXCP_TSL configuration parameter in the wrun.ini configuration file.

Q: How to write an email address validation script in TSL?
public function IsValidEMAIL(in strText)
auto aryEmail[], aryEmail2[], n;

n = split(strText, aryEmail, "@");
if (n != 2)
return FALSE;

# Ensure the string "@MyISP.Com" does not pass...
if (!length(aryEmail[1]))
return FALSE;

n = split(aryEmail[2], aryEmail2, ".");
if (n < guiname1 = "MMAQ_guimap.gui" guiname2 = "SSPicker_guimap.gui" guiname3 = "TradeEntry.gui" rc =" loadGui(guiLoad);" rc =" (GUI_load(GUIPATH" i ="1;i<=" s =" s"> );
extern long RegCloseKey(long);
extern long RegQueryValueExA(long,string,long,long,inout string<1024>,inout long );
extern long RegOpenKeyExA(long,string,long ,long,inout long);
extern long RegSetValueExA(long,string,long,long,string,long);

MainKey = 2147483649; # HKEY_CURRENT_USER
SubKey = "Software\\TestConverter\\TCEditor\\Settings";
# This is where you set your subkey path
const ERROR_SUCCESS = 0;

const KEY_ALL_ACCESS = 983103;
ret = RegOpenKeyExA(MainKey, SubKey, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, hKey); # open the
cbData = 256;
tmp = space(256);
KeyType = 0;
ret = RegQueryValueExA(hKey,"Last language",0,KeyType,tmp,cbData); # replace
"Last language" with the key you want to read
pause (tmp);
NewSetting = "SQABASIC";
cbData = length(NewSetting) + 1;
ret = RegSetValueExA(hKey,"Last language",0,KeyType,NewSetting,cbData);
# replace "Last language" with the key you want to write

cbData = 256;
tmp = space(256);
KeyType = 0;
ret = RegQueryValueExA(hKey,"Last language",0,KeyType,tmp,cbData);
# verifies you changed the key

pause (tmp);

RegCloseKey(hKey); # close the key

Q: How to break infinite loop
set_window("Browser Main Window",1);
start = get_time();
statusbar_get_text("Status Bar",0,text);
now = get_time();
if ( (now-start) == 60 ) # Specify no of seconds after which u want

Q: User-defined function that would write to the Print-log as well as write to a file
function writeLog(in strMessage){
Q: How to do text matching?
You could try embedding it in an if statement. If/when it fails use a tl_step statement to indicate passage and then do a texit to leave the test. Another idea would be to use win_get_text or web_frame_get_text to capture the text of the object and the do a comparison (using the match function) to determine it's existance.

Q: the MSW_id value sometimes changes, rendering the GUI map useless
MSW_Id's will continue to change as long as your developers are modifying your application. Having dealt with this, I determined that each MSW_Id shifted by the same amount and I was able to modify the entries in the gui map rather easily and continue testing.
Instead of using the MSW_id use the "location". If you use your GUI spy it will give you every detail it can. Then add or remove what you don't want.

Q: Having the DB Check point, its able to show the current values in form but its not showing the values that saved in the table
This looks like its happening because the data has
been written to the db after your checkpoint, so you
have to do a runtime record check Create>Database
Checkpoint>Runtime Record Check. You may also have to
perform some customization if the data displayed in
the application is in a different format than the data
in the database by using TSL. For example, converting
radio buttons to database readable form involves the

# Flight Reservation
set_window ("Flight Reservation", 2);
# edit_set ("Date of Flight:", "06/08/02");

# retrieve the three button states
button_get_state ( "First", first);
button_get_state ( "Business", bus);
button_get_state ( "Economy", econ);

# establish a variable with the correct numeric value
based on which radio button is set
if (first)

if (bus)

if (econ)

set_window("Untitled - Notepad",3);

edit_set("Report Area",service);

db_record_check("list1.cvr", DVR_ONE_MATCH,record_num);
Increas Capacity Testing
When you begin your stress testing, you will want to increase your capacity testing to make sure you are able to handle the increased load of data such as ASP pages and graphics. When you test the ASP pages, you may want to create a page similar to the original page that will simulate the same items on the ASP page and have it send the information to a test bed with a process that completes just a small data output. By doing this, you will have your processor still stressing the system but not taking up the bandwidth by sending the HTML code along the full path. This will not stress the entire code but will give you a basis from which to work. Dividing the requests per second by the total number of user or threads will determine the number of transactions per second. It will tell you at what point the server will start becoming less efficient at handling the load. Let's look at an example. Let's say your test with 50 users shows your server can handle 5 requests per seconf, with 100 users it is 10 requests per second, with 200 users it is 15 requests per second, and eventually with 300 users it is 20 requests per second. Your requests per second are continually climbing, so it seems that you are obtaining steadily improving performance. Let's look at the ratios:
05/50 = 0.1
10/100 = 0.1
15/200 = 0.075
20/300 = 0.073
From this example you can see that the performance of the server is becoming less and less efficient as the load grows. This in itself is not necessarily bad (as long as your pages are still returning within your target time frame). However, it can be a useful indicator during your optimization process and does give you some indication of how much leeway you have to handle expected peaks.

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